Koleksi 1

  1. A comparative study of two models SV with MCMC algorithm
  2. A comprehensive examination of the wealth effects of recent stock repurchase announcements
  3. A flow-based corporate credit model
  4. An analysis of the importance of S&P 500 discretionary constituent changes
  5. An application of the two-stage Bivariate Probit–Tobit model to corporate financing decisions
  6. Australia’s equity home bias and real exchange rate volatility
  7. Banking efficiency and stock market performance: an analysis of listed Indonesian banks
  8. Behavioral theories and the pricing of IPOs’ discretionary current accruals
  9. Can historical returns-earnings relations predict price responses to earnings news?
  10. Can long-term performance plans mitigate the negative effects of stock consideration and high cash for acquirers?
  11. Credit risk prediction using support vector machines
  12. Endogenous problems in cross-sectional valuation models based on accounting information
  13. Entrenched controlling shareholders and the performance consequences of corporate diversification in Taiwan
  14. Financial disclosure, investor protection and stock market behavior: an international comparison
  15. Firm value and investment policy around stock for stock mergers
  16. Forecasting stock price with the residual income model
  17. Investment with network externality under uncertainty
  18. Momentum trading, mean reversal and overreaction in Chinese stock market
  19. Momentum trading, mean reversal and overreaction in Chinese stock market
  20. Performance persistence of closed-end funds
  21. Recap of the 21st annual conference on financial economics and accounting, November 12, 2010 to November 13, 2010
  22. Relative accuracy of analysts’ earnings forecasts over time: a Markov chain analysis
  23. Stock returns and product market competition: beyond industry concentration
  24. Tests for relative performance evaluation based on assumptions derived from proxy statement disclosures
  25. The 52-week high, momentum, and predicting mutual fund returns
  26. The advantages of using quarterly returns for long-term event studies
  27. The IPO market as a screening device and the going public decision: evidence from acquisitions of privately and publicly held firms
  28. The profitability of interest arbitrage when the base currency is pegged to a basket
  29. The reputation effect of venture capital
  30. The smoothing of pension expenses: a panel analysis

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