- Advertising intensity, investor recognition, and implied cost of capital
- Bankruptcy prediction for Korean firms after the 1997 financial crisis: using a multiple criteria linear
programming data mining approach - Board size and firm risk-taking
- CEO incentives and the cost of debt
- CEO stock options and analysts’ forecast accuracyand bias
- Decision-making in sequential projects: expected time-to-build and probability of failure
- Disclosure frequency and information asymmetry
- Does foreign institutional ownership motivate firms in an emerging market to increase voluntary disclosure?
Evidence from Taiwan - Does Regulation Fair Disclosure affect analysts’ forecast performance? The case of restructuring firms
- Earnings management and market liquidity
- Effect of the Sarbanes–Oxley act on CEOs’ stock ownership and pay-performance sensitivity
- How do banks resolve firms’ financial distress? Evidence from Japan
- How to identify targets in the M&A banking operations? Case of cross-border strategies in Europe by line of activity
- Interest Tax Shields: A Barrier Options Approach
- Internal control material weakness, analysts’ accuracy and bias, and brokerage reputation
- Investment opportunity set, political connection and business policies of private enterprises in China
- New empirical evidence on the investment success of momentum strategies based on relative stock prices
- Non-parametric method for European option bounds
- Portfolio performance and accounting measures of earnings: an alternative look at usefulness
- Re-examining the investment-uncertainty relationship in a real options model
- Robust stock option plans
- Short and long-term interactions between venture capital returns and the macroeconomy:
evidence for the United States - The demand for accounting information: young NASDAQ listings versus S&P 500 NYSE listings
- The makings of an information leader: the intraday price discovery process for individual stocks in the DJIA